February 16, 2011

Twenty6: Magic Potion

I wish I could say that I don't even have to wash my face at night to have perfect skin.. But the truth is I could wash my face a million times a day and still have bad skin. It's funny since my Mother has PERFECT skin (She's fifty-something and still has amazzzzzinngggg skin), perfect vision, and is tall, while my Father is shorter than my Mom, wears glasses ten sheets of paper thick, and has terrible skin. And guess who's genes I was blessed with? Thanks Daddy-o...

Anyway, since I have been to college, its really been an up and down roller-coaster with my skin. One of my worst moments was my trip to Korea in May. I wasn't used to the pollution and water, therefore I broke out like I had never before and I wasn't even prepared to battle it since my skin had been doing well prior to the trip. The worst part was I knew it wasn't going to disappear into thin air when I returned back to my normal environment.

My sister moved back a month after my return and I started adapting to her skin-care routine. She raved and raved about this brown sugar and extra virgin olive oil mixture and now I'm raving! It left my skin moisturized, exfoliated, and improved my skin radically. I ran out earlier this school year and was too lazy to make more, but since my skin has gone a little crazy in the past week, I definitely will be using it every night.

Organic Brown Sugar - 1 cup
Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 1/2 cup
Lavender Oil (Additional) - Few drops

Mix it up real good in a reusable container and don't forget to cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser after to get the excess oil off.

It's so easy, it's hard not to try (-;


  1. oo love it! :)


  2. studying for anatomy and stumbled upon your page (oops..!). hadn't visited in quite some time and got to update!! can't wait until friday :)

  3. Super blog! Bravo! Bisous!!!

    Angela Donava
