February 6, 2011

Twenty4: Lash Attack

My obsession with lashes probably started when I met Allie (HER) my first year in college. I can't really put into words how ahhhh-mazing her lashes are, but believe me.. If she gave me a fourth of her lashes I would bat them. At everyone. A lot. He he.

But the reality is, I curl my lashes and apply coats of mascara every morning )-:
Gotta work with what you have!

One of the basic tools that everyone should have in their make-up collection is the Shu Umera Lash Curler. It's no secret that this is the best eyelash curler out there. Unfortunately, Shu Umera is no longer available in the States, but we should be thankful for Amazon (I got mine at Sephora when it was still available). After using this baby, I'll never go for anything else other than the Shu..

And speaking of forever.. Another product that'll never leave my make-up collection is the Maybeline Falsies Mascara. I opt for the Black Drama/Waterproof and it really works like magic when paired with the Shu Umera curler. 

So much better, right?
I'll have to show Allie's one day.....


  1. It does look really good after!
    Please check out my blog and follow me!

  2. Beautiful! I love the way your eyebrows are shaped too! Mine are pretty thick. xoxooxo

  3. Thanks for your Post! Perfect~
    I Love mascara, really Great effective eyelash curlers and all things Lashes.

    My new favorite is the Hot Lashes heated 2 pc lash curler. It has gotten great reviews at Amazon--Cult favorite Hot Lashes Makeup artist Kit..Absolute best out there~!

    They have a great sturdy 24K gold metal curler similiar to the Shu Uemura and Sheisdo one that comes with its own seperate pink small heater base that heats just the pad in the curler, this way my curl really lasts.

    Makes my eyes POP and keeps my lashes super curly, they have a website Hotlashes...HTH~

    Major Rave, the cadillac of curlers..so worth the price. My friends and I love love love this one! Best by far,,
    HTH~…:) Abundant blessings to all..

  4. wow! you do incredible makeup! love it :)


  5. If there was one thing I wanted in the world, it is to be asian. Dang.

    Strawberry Freckleface
